Hello there!
Welcome to the blog section of my website! I hope you find enjoyment in the posts I write, whether they be just what is on my mind, or author and book related content. I want you to know I enjoy you taking the time to stop by and read. I am so happy that you are here and I hope that you find what you were looking for (or maybe found something you didn't expect to find).
As an Indie author, I may have some insight into the world you are wanting to explore and jump into, or I may not. I plan to add blog content based both on what I have the need and desire to write, as well as what my readers (thats you!) want to read. Interested in something in particular? Let me know! I'd love to hear, and who knows? I may just add a blog based on your suggestion.
Don't forget to grab a copy of my book, and check out the About Me page if you are interested in more about who I am!